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Concurrent Programming in Java



Programming in Java

Doug Lea

State University of New York at Oswego

Concurrent Programming in Java




Models, design forces, Java

Designing objects for concurrency

Immutability, locking, state dependence, containment, splitting

Introducing concurrency into applications

Autonomous loops, oneway messages, interactive messages,


Concurrent application architectures

Flow, parallelism, layering


Using, building, and documenting reusable concurrent classes

Concurrent Programming in Java


About These Slides ...

Some slides are based on joint presentations with David Holmes,

Macquarie University, Sydney Australia.

More extensive coverage of most topics can be found in the book

Concurrent Programming in Java

, Addison-Wesley

and the online supplement

The printed slides contain much more material than can be covered

in a tutorial. They include extra backgound, examples, and

extensions. They are not always in presentation order.

Java code examples often omit qualifiers, imports, etc for space

reasons. Full versions of most examples are available from the

CPJ online supplement.

None of this material should be construed as official Sun


Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Concurrent Programming in Java





Minimize response lag, maximize throughput


Simulating autonomous objects, animation


Exploiting multiprocessors, overlapping I/O


Isolating activities in threads

Why Not?


Dealing with safety, liveness, composition


Higher resource usage

Concurrent Programming in Java


Common Applications

I/O-bound tasks

Concurrently access web pages, databases, sockets ...


Concurrently handle events, screen updates

Hosting foreign code

Concurrently run applets, JavaBeans, ...

Server Daemons

Concurrently service multiple client requests


Concurrently simulate multiple real objects

Common examples

Web browsers, web services, database servers,

programming development tools, decision support tools

Concurrent Programming in Java


Concurrent Programming

Concurrency is a


property of software.

Concurrent programs might or might not:

Concurrent programming mainly deals with concepts and

techniques that apply even if not parallel or distributed.

Threads and related constructs run on any Java platform

This tutorial doesn't dwell much on issues



parallelism and distribution.

Operate across multiple CPUs

symmetric multiprocessor

(SMPs), clusters, special-

purpose architectures, ...

Share access to resources

objects,memory, displays,

file descriptors, sockets,


Parallel programming mainly

deals with mapping

software to multiple CPUs

to improve performance.

Distributed programming

mainly deals with

concurrent programs that



share system


Concurrent Programming in Java


Concurrent Object-Oriented


Concurrency has always been a part of OOP (since Simula67)

Not a factor in wide-scale embrace of OOP (late 1980s)

Recent re-emergence, partly due to Java

Concurrent OO programming differs from ...

Sequential OO programming

Adds focus on safety and liveness

But uses and extends common design patterns

Single-threaded Event-based programming (as in GUIs)

Adds potential for multiple events occuring at same time

But uses and extends common messaging strategies

Multithreaded systems programming

Adds encapsulation, modularity

But uses and extends efficient implementations

Concurrent Programming in Java


Object Models

Models describe how to think about objects (formally or informally)

Common features

Classes, state, references, methods, identity, constraints

• Encapsulation

Separation between the insides and outsides of objects

Four basic computational operations

Accept a message

Update local state

Send a message

Create a new object

Models differ in rules for these operations. Two main categories:

Active vs Passive

Concurrent models include features of both

Lead to uniquely concurrent OO design patterns

Concurrent Programming in Java


Active Object Models

Every object has a single thread of control (like a process) so can

do only one thing at a time.

Most actions are reactive responses to messages from objects

But actions may also be autonomous

But need not act on message immediately upon receiving it

All messages are oneway . Other protocols can be layered on.

Many extensions and choices of detailed semantics

Asynchronous vs synchronous messaging, queuing, pre-

emption and internal concurrency, multicast channels, ...

state, acquaintances

anAction {

update state

send a message



make an object



Concurrent Programming in Java


Passive Object Models

In sequential programs, only the single Program object is active

Passive objects serve as the program's data

In single-threaded Java, Program is the JVM (interpretor)

Sequentially simulates the objects comprising the program

All internal communication based on procedure calls


a passive object

State: program counter, object addresses

main I/O

State: instance vars

Methods: byte codes

interpret() {



other passive objects


Concurrent Programming in Java


Concurrent Object Models

Mixtures of active and passive objects

Normally many fewer threads than passive objects

Dumber Active Objects Smarter Passive Objects

Can perform only one


in Java, 'run()'

Share most resources

with other threads

Require scheduling in

order to coexist

May simultaneously

participate in multiple


Protect themselves

from engaging in

conflicting activities

Communicate with

objects participating

in other threads

Initiate and control

new threads

Concurrent Programming in Java


Hardware Mappings

Shared memory multiprocessing

All objects visible in same (virtual) machine

Can use procedural message passing

Usually many more threads than CPUs

Remote message passing

Only access objects via Remote references or copying

Must marshal (serialize) messages

Mixed models including database mediation (''three tier'')




memory cells

state of an object

state of

an object

remote messages remote messages

Concurrent Programming in Java


Vertical Objects

Most OO systems and applications operate at multiple levels

Objects at each level manipulate, manage, and coordinate

lower-level ground objects as resources.

Once considered an arcane systems design principle.

But now applies to most applications


Thread-objects interpret passive objects

Networking and Distribution

Server-objects pass around resources

Persistence and Databases

Database-objects manage states of ground objects

Component Frameworks

Design tools build applications from JavaBeans, etc

Layered Applications

Design patterns based on reflection, interpretation, ...

Concurrent Programming in Java


Design Forces

Three main aspects of concurrent OO design

Four main kinds of forces that must be addressed at each level

Safety — Integrity requirements

Liveness — Progress requirements

Efficiency — Performance requirements

Reusability — Compositional requirements

Policies & Protocol Object structures Coding techniques


design rules Design patterns,

microarchitecture Idioms,

neat tricks,


Concurrent Programming in Java


Systems = Objects + Activities


ADTs, aggregate components, JavaBeans, monitors,

business objects, remote RMI objects, subsystems, ...

May be grouped according to structure, role, ...

Usable across multiple activities — focus on SAFETY


Messages, call chains, threads, sessions, scenarios,

scripts, workflows, use cases, transactions, data flows,

mobile computations, ...

May be grouped according to origin, function, ...

Span multiple objects — focus on LIVENESS

Concurrent Programming in Java


Safe Objects

Perform method actions only when in consistent states

Usually impossible to predict consequences of actions attempted

when objects are in temporarily inconsistent states

Read/write and write/write conflicts

Invariant failures

Random-looking externally visible behavior

Must balance with liveness goals

Clients want simultanous access to services





legal temp






Concurrent Programming in Java


State Inconsistency Examples

A figure is drawn while it is in the midst of being moved

Could draw at new X-value, old Y-value

Draws at location that figure never was at

Withdraw from bank account while it is the midst of a transfer

Could overdraw account

Could lose money

A storage location is read in the midst of being written

Could result in reading some old bytes and some new


Normally, a nonsense value

Concurrent Programming in Java


Live Activities

Every activity should progress toward completion

Every called method should eventually execute

Related to efficiency

Every called method should execute as soon as possible

An activity might not complete if

An object does not accept a message

A method blocks waiting for an event, message or

condition that should be, but isn't produced by another


Insufficient or unfairly scheduled resources

Failures and errors of various kinds

Concurrent Programming in Java


Design Dualities

Two extreme approaches:

Effective, practical, middle-out approaches combine these.

For example, iteratively improving initial designs to be safe

and live across different contexts

Safety-first Liveness-first

Ensure that each class is

safe, then try to improve

liveness as optimization


Characteristic of top-

down OO Design

Can result in slow,

deadlock-prone code

Design live ground-level

code, then try to layer on

safety features such as

locking and guarding.

Characteristic of




Can result in buggy

code full of races

Concurrent Programming in Java


Guaranteeing Safety

"Nothing bad ever happens"

Concurrent safety is an extended sense of type safety

Adds a temporal dimension

Not completely enforceable by compilers

Low-level view High-level view

Bits are never


Protect against

storage conflicts on

memory cells

read/write and

— write/write


Objects are

accessible only when

in consistent states

• Objectsmustmaintain

state and



Presents subclass


Concurrent Programming in Java


Guaranteeing Liveness

"Something eventually happens"


Avoiding unnecessary blocking


Avoiding resource contention among activities

Avoiding deadlocks and lockouts

Avoiding unfair scheduling

Designing for fault tolerance, convergence, stability


Minimizing computational demands of sets of activities


Avoiding contention with other programs

Preventing denial of service attacks

Preventing stoppage by external agents

Concurrent Programming in Java


Concurrency and Efficiency

Concurrency can be expensive

Performance profiles may vary across platforms


Threads, Locks, Monitors


Construction, finalization overhead for resources

Synchronization, context switching, scheduling overhead


Interaction overhead for threads mapped to different CPUs

Caching and locality effects

Algorithmic efficiency

Cannot use some fast but unsafe sequential algorithms

Paying for tunability and extensibility

Reduces opportunities to optimize for special cases

Concurrent Programming in Java


Concurrency and Reusability

Added Complexity

More stringent correctness criteria than sequential code

Usually not automatically statically checkable

Nondeterminism impedes debuggability, understandability

Added Context Dependence (coupling)

Components only safe/live when used in intended contexts

Need for documentation

Can be difficult to extend via subclassing

"Inheritance anomalies"

Can be difficult to compose

Clashes among concurrency control techniques

Concurrent Programming in Java


Reuse and Design Policies

Think locally. Act globally.

Example design policy domains

Combat complexity

High-level design rules and architectural constraints avoid

inconsistent case-by-case decisions

Policy choices are rarely ''optimal'', but often religiously

believed in anyway.

Maintain openness

Accommodate any component that obeys a given policy

Fail but don't break if they do not obey policy

State-dependence Service availability Flow constraints

What to do if

a request


cannot be


Constraints on


access to





and layering


Concurrent Programming in Java


Three Approaches to Reusability

Patterns Reusing design knowledge

Record best practices, refine them to essences

Analyze for safety, liveness, efficiency, extensibility, etc

Provide recipes for construction

Frameworks Reusing policies and protocols

Create interfaces and classes that establish policy choices

for a suite of applications

Provide utilities and support classes

Mainly use by creating application-dependent (sub)classes

Libraries Reusing code

Create interfaces that apply in many contexts

Provide high-quality implementations

Allow others to create alternative implementations

Concurrent Programming in Java


Java Overview

Core Java is a relatively small, boring object-oriented language

Main differences from Smalltalk:

Static typing

Support for primitive data types (int , float, etc)

C-based syntax

Main differences from C++:

Run-time safety via Virtual Machine

No insecure low-level operations

Garbage collection

Entirely class-based: No globals

Relative simplicity: No multiple inheritance, etc

Object-based implementations of Array, String, Class, etc

Large predefined class library: AWT, Applets, net, etc

Concurrent Programming in Java


Java Features

Java solves some software development problems

Packaging: Objects, classes, components, packages

Portability: Bytecodes, unicode, transports

Extensibility: Subclassing, interfaces, class loaders

Safety: Virtual machine, GC, verifiers

Libraries: java.* packages

Ubiquity: Run almost anywhere

But new challenges stem from new aspects of programming:

Concurrency: Threads, locks, ...

Distribution: RMI, CORBA, ...

Persistence: Serialization, JDBC, ...

Security: Security managers, Domains, ...

Concurrent Programming in Java


Basic Java Constructs

Classes Descriptions of object features

Instance variables Fields representing object state

Methods Encapsulated procedures

Statics Per-class variables and methods

Constructors Operations performed upon object creation

Interfaces Sets of methods implemented by any class

Subclasses Single inheritance from class Object

Inner classes Classes within other classes and methods

Packages Namespaces for organizing sets of classes

Visibility control private, public, protected, per-package

Qualifiers Semantic control: final, abstract, etc

Statements Nearly the same as in C/C++

Exceptions Throw/catch control upon failure

Primitive types byte, short, int, long, float, char, boolean

Concurrent Programming in Java


Particle Applet

import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class ParticleApplet extends Applet {

public void init() {

add(new ParticleCanvas(10));



class ParticleCanvas extends Canvas {

Particle[] particles;

ParticleCanvas(int nparticles) {

setSize(new Dimension(100, 100));

particles = new Particle[nparticles];

for (int i = 0; i < particles.length; ++i) {

particles[i] = new Particle(this);

new Thread(particles[i]).start();



public void paint(Graphics g) {

for (int i = 0; i < particles.length; ++i)



}// (needs lots of embellishing to look nice)

Concurrent Programming in Java


Particle Class

public class Particle implements Runnable {

private int x = 0, y = 0;

private Canvas canvas;

public Particle(Canvas host) { canvas = host; }

synchronized void moveRandomly() {

x += (int) (((Math.random() - 0.5) * 5);

y += (int) (((Math.random() - 0.5) * 5);


public void draw(Graphics g) {

int lx, ly;

synchronized (this) { lx = x; ly = y; }

g.drawRect(lx, ly, 10, 10);


public void run() {

for(;;) {



try { Thread.sleep((int)(Math.random()*10);}

catch (InterruptedException e) { return; }




Concurrent Programming in Java


Java Concurrency Support

Thread class represents state of an independent activity

Methods to start, sleep, etc

Very weak guarantees about control and scheduling

Each Thread is a member of a ThreadGroup that is used

for access control and bookkeeping

Code executed in threads defined in classes implementing:

interface Runnable { public void run(); }

synchronized methods and blocks control atomicity via locks

Java automates local read/write atomicity of storage and

access of values of type byte , char ,short ,int,float,

and Object references, but not double and long

synchronized statement also ensures cache flush/reload

volatile keyword controls per-variable flush/reload


methods in class Object control suspension and


wait(), wait(ms), notify(), notifyAll()

Concurrent Programming in Java


Class Thread


Thread(Runnable r) constructs so run() calls

Other versions allow names, ThreadGroup placement

Principal methods

start() activates run() then returns to caller

isAlive() returns true if started but not stopped

join() waits for termination (optional timeout)

interrupt() breaks out of wait,sleep, or join

isInterrupted() returns interruption state

getPriority() returns current scheduling priority


int priorityFromONEtoTEN

) sets it

Static methods that can only be applied to current thread

currentThread() reveals current thread

sleep(ms) suspends for (at least) ms milliseconds

interrupted() returns and clears interruption status

Concurrent Programming in Java


Designing Objects for


Patterns for safely representing and managing state


Avoiding interference by avoiding change


Guaranteeing exclusive access

State dependence

What to do when you can't do anything


Hiding internal objects


Separating independent aspects of objects and locks

Concurrent Programming in Java




Avoid interference by avoiding change

Immutable objects never change state

Actions on immutable objects are always safe and live


Objects representing values

Closed Abstract Data Types

Objects maintaining state representations for others

Whenever object identity does not matter

Objects providing stateless services

Pure functional programming style

Concurrent Programming in Java


Stateless Service Objects

class StatelessAdder {

int addOne(int i) { return i + 1; }

int addTwo(int i) { return i + 2; }


There are no special concurrency concerns:

There is no per-instance state

No storage conflicts

No representational invariants

No invariant failures

Any number of instances of addOne and/or addTwo can

safely execute at the same time. There is no need to

preclude this.

No liveness problems

The methods do not interact with any other objects.

No concurrent protocol design

Concurrent Programming in Java


Freezing State upon Construction

class ImmutableAdder {

private final int offset_; // blank final

ImmutableAdder(int x) { offset_ = x; }

int add(int i) { return i + offset_; }


Still no safety or liveness concerns

Java (blank) finals enforce most senses of immutablity

Don't cover cases where objects eventually latch into

values that they never change from

Immutability is often used for closed Abstract Data Types in Java




But not java.awt.Point or other AWT graphical

representation classes (A design error?)

Concurrent Programming in Java


Applications of Immutability

Immutable references to mutable objects

class Relay {

private final Server delegate;

Relay(Server s) { delegate = s; }

void serve() { delegate.serve(); }


Partial immutability

Methods dealing with immutable aspects of state do not

require locking

class FixedList { // cells with fixed successors

private final FixedList next; // immutable

FixedList(FixedList nxt) { next = nxt; }

FixedList successor() { return next; }

private Object elem = null; // mutable

synchronized Object get() { return elem; }

synchronized void set(Object x) { elem = x; }



relay server

next next next

element element element

Concurrent Programming in Java



Locking is a simple message accept mechanism

Acquire object lock on entry to method, release on return

Precludes storage conflicts and invariant failures

Can be used to guarantee atomicity of methods

Introduces potential liveness failures

Deadlock, lockouts


Fully synchronized (atomic) objects

Most other reusable objects with mutable state



internal state


lock action { ... }

Concurrent Programming in Java


Synchronized Method Example

class Location {

private double x_, y_;

Location(double x, double y) { x_ = x; y_ = y; }

synchronized double x() { return x_; }

double y() {

synchronized (this) {

return y_;



synchronized void moveBy(double dx, double dy) {

x_ += dx;

y_ += dy;



Concurrent Programming in Java


Java Locks

Every Java Object possesses one lock

Manipulated only via synchronized keyword

Class objects contain a lock used to protect statics

Scalars like int are not Objects so can only be locked via

their enclosing objects

Synchronized can be either method or block qualifier

synchronized void f() { body; } is equivalent to:

void f() { synchronized(this) { body; } }

Java locks are reentrant

A thread hitting synchronized passes if the lock is free or

it already possesses the lock, else waits

Released after passing as many }'s as {'s for the lock

— cannot forget to release lock

Synchronized also has the side-effect of clearing locally cached

values and forcing reloads from main storage

Concurrent Programming in Java


Storage Conflicts

class Even {

int n = 0;

public int next(){ // POST?: next is always even



return n;



Postcondition may fail due to storage conflicts. For example, one

possible execution trace when n starts off at 0 is:

Declaring next method as synchronized precludes conflicting

traces, as long as all other methods accessing n are also


Thread 1

read 0

write 1

read 2

write 3

Thread 2

read 1

write 2

read 2

write 3

return 3

return 3

Concurrent Programming in Java


Locks and Caching

Locking generates messages between threads and memory

Lock acquisition forces reads from memory to thread cache

Lock release forces writes of cached updates to memory

Without locking, there are NO promises about if and when caches

will be flushed or reloaded

Can lead to unsafe execution

Can lead to nonsensical execution




memory cells

state of object

unlock lock

Concurrent Programming in Java


Memory Anomalies

Should acquire lock before use of any field of any object, and

release after update

If not, the following are possible:

Seeing stale values that do not reflect recent updates

Seeing inconsistent states due to out-of-order writes

during flushes from thread caches

Seeing incompletely initialized new objects

Can declare volatile fields to force per-variable load/flush.

Has very limited utility.

volatile never usefully applies to reference variables

The referenced object is not necessarily loaded/

flushed, just the reference itself.

Instead, should use synchronization-based


Concurrent Programming in Java


Fully Synchronized Objects

Objects of classes in which all methods are synchronized

Always safe, but not always live or efficient

Only process one request at a time

All methods are locally sequential

Accept new messages only when ready

No other thread holds lock

Not engaged in another activity

But methods may make self-calls to

other methods during same activity

without blocking (due to reentrancy)


All methods must be synchronized: Java unsynchronized

methods execute even when lock held.

No public variables or other encapsulation violations

Methods must not suspend or infinitely loop

Re-establish consistent state after exceptions


client host

... actions..



Concurrent Programming in Java



class Cell {

private long value_;

synchronized long getValue() { return value_;}

synchronized void setValue(long v) {value_ = v;}

synchronized void swapValue(Cell other) {

long t = getValue();

long v = other.getValue();





SwapValue is a transactional method. Can deadlock in trace:




t = getValue()

v = other.getValue()




t = getValue()

v = other.getValue()

Concurrent Programming in Java


Lock Precedence

Can prevent deadlock in transactional methods via resource-

ordering based on Java hash codes (among other solutions)

class Cell {

long value;

void swapValue(Cell other) {

if (other == this) return; // alias check

Cell fst = this; // order via hash codes

Cell snd = other;

if (fst.hashCode() > snd.hashCode()) {

fst = other; snd = this;


synchronized(fst) {

synchronized (snd) {

long t = fst.value;

fst.value = snd.value;

snd.value = t;





Concurrent Programming in Java


Holding Locks

class Server {

double state;

Helper helper;

public synchronized void svc() {

state = illegalValue;


state = legalValue;



Potential problems with holding locks during downstream calls

Safety: What if helper.operation throws exceptions?

Liveness: What if helper.operation causes deadlock?

Availability: Cannot accept new svc requests during helper op

Rule of Thumb (with many variants and exceptions):

Always lock when updating state

Never lock when sending message

Redesign methods to avoid holding locks during downstream calls,

while still preserving safety and consistency

Concurrent Programming in Java


Synchronization of Accessor Methods

class Queue {

private int sz_ = 0; // number of elements

public synchronized void put(Object x) {

// ... increment sz_ ...


public synchronized Object take() {

// ... decrement sz_ ...


public int size() { return sz_; } // synch?


Should size() method be synchronized?


Prevents clients from obtaining stale cached values

Ensures that transient values are never returned

For example, if put temporarily set sz_ = -1 as flag


What could a client ever do with this value anyway?

Sync always needed for accessors of mutable reference variables

Concurrent Programming in Java


Locking and Singletons

Every Java Class object has a lock. Both static and instance

methods of Singleton classes should use it.

public class Singleton { // lazy initialization

private int a;

private Singleton(){ a = 1;}

private static Class lock = Singleton.class;

private static Singleton ref = null;

public static Singleton instance(){

synchronized(lock) {

if (ref == null) ref = new Singleton();

return ref;



public int getA() {

synchronized(lock) { return a; }


public void setA(int v){

synchronized(lock) { a = v; }



Concurrent Programming in Java


State Dependence

Two aspects of action control:

•A message from a client

The internal state of the host

Design Steps:

Choose policies for dealing with actions that can succeed

only if object is in particular logical state

Design interfaces and protocols to reflect policy

Ensure objects able to assess state to implement policy

There is not a



mechanism in

Java. So must

implement policies

in action methods


state, acquaintances

anAction {

accept ... }


policy control

Concurrent Programming in Java


Examples of State-Dependent Actions

Operations on collections, streams, databases

Remove an element from an empty queue

Operations on objects maintaining constrained values

Withdraw money from an empty bank account

Operations requiring resources

Print a file

Operations requiring particular message orderings

Read an unopened file

Operations on external controllers

Shift to reverse gear in a moving car

Concurrent Programming in Java


Policies for State Dependent Actions

Some policy choices for dealing with pre- and post- conditions

Blind action Proceed anyway; no guarantee of outcome

Inaction Ignore request if not in right state

Balking Fail (throw exception) if not in right state

Guarding Suspend until in right state

Trying Proceed, check if succeeded; if not, roll back

Retrying Keep trying until success

Timing out Wait or retry for a while; then fail

Planning First initiate activity that will achieve right state

Concurrent Programming in Java


Interfaces and Policies

Boring running example

interface BoundedCounter {

static final long MIN = 0;

static final long MAX = 10;

long value(); // INV: MIN <= value() <= MAX

// INIT: value() == MIN

void inc(); // PRE: value() < MAX

void dec(); // PRE: value() > MIN


Interfaces alone cannot convey policy

But can suggest policy

For example, should inc throw exception? What kind?

Different methods can support different policies

But can use manual annotations

Declarative constraints form basis for implementation

Concurrent Programming in Java



Check state upon method entry

Must not change state in course

of checking it

Relevant state must be explicitly

represented, so can be checked

upon entry

Exit immediately if not in right state

Throw exception or return special

error value

Client is responsible for handling


The simplest policy for fully synchronized objects

Usable in both sequential and concurrent contexts

Often used in Collection classes (Vector , etc)

In concurrent contexts, the host must always take

responsibility for entire check-act/check-fail sequence

Clients cannot preclude state changes between check

and act, so host must control


client host

... actions..





Concurrent Programming in Java


Balking Counter Example

class Failure extends Exception { }

class BalkingCounter {

protected long count_ = MIN;

synchronized long value() { return count_;}

synchronized void inc() throws Failure {

if (count_ >= MAX) throw new Failure();



synchronized void dec() throws Failure {

if (count_ <= MIN) throw new Failure();




// ...

void suspiciousUsage(BalkingCounter c) {

if (c.value() > BalkingCounter.MIN)

try { c.dec(); } catch (Failure ignore) {}


void betterUsage(BalkingCounter c) {

try { c.dec(); } catch (Failure ex) {cope();}


Concurrent Programming in Java


Collection Class Example

class Vec { // scaled down version of Vector

protected Object[] data_; protected int size_=0;

public Vec(int cap) { data_=new Object[cap]; }

public int size() { return size_; }

public synchronized Object at(int i)

throws NoSuchElementException {

if (i < 0 || i >= size_ )

throw new NoSuchElementException();

return data_[i];


public synchronized void append(Object x) {

if (size_ >= data_.length) resize();

data_[size_++] = x;


public synchronized void removeLast()

throws NoSuchElementException {

if (size_ == 0)

throw new NoSuchElementException();

data_[--size_] = null;



Concurrent Programming in Java


Policies for Collection Traversal

How to apply operation to collection elements without interference

Balking iterators

Throw exception on access if collection was changed.

Implement via version numbers updated on each change

Used in JDK1.2 collections

But can be hard to recover from exceptions

Snapshot iterators

Make immutable copy of base collection elements. Or

conversely, copy-on-write during each update.

But can be expensive

Indexed traversal

Clients externally synchronize when necessary

But coupled to particular locking policies

Synchronized aggregate methods

Support apply-to-all methods in collection class

But deadlock-prone

Concurrent Programming in Java


Synchronized Traversal Examples

interface Procedure { void apply(Object obj); }

class XVec extends Vec {

synchronized void applyToAll(Procedure p) {

for (int i=0;i<size_;++i) p.apply(data_[i]);



class App {

void printAllV1(XVec v) { // aggregate synch

v.applyToAll(new Procedure() {

public void apply(Object x) {




void printAllV2(XVec v) { // client-side synch

synchronized (v) {

for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)





Concurrent Programming in Java



Generalization of locking for state-dependent actions

Locked : Wait until ready (not engaged in other methods)

Guarded : Wait until an arbitrary state predicate holds

Check state upon entry

If not in right state, wait

Some other action in some

other thread may eventually

cause a state change that

enables resumption

Introduces liveness concerns

Relies on actions of other

threads to make progress

Useless in sequential


aMessage inRightState


client host

... actions...

Concurrent Programming in Java


Guarding via Busy Waits

class UnsafeSpinningBoundedCounter { // don't use

protected volatile long count_ = MIN;

long value() { return count_; }

void inc() {

while (count_ >= MAX); // spin



void dec() {

while (count_ <= MIN); // spin




Unsafe — no protection from read/write conflicts

Wasteful — consumes CPU time

But busy waiting can sometimes be useful; generally when

The conditions latch

— once set true, they never become false

You are sure that threads are running on multiple CPUs

Java doesn't provide a way to determine or control this

Concurrent Programming in Java


Guarding via Suspension

class GuardedBoundedCounter {

protected long count_ = MIN;

synchronized long value() { return count_; }

synchronized void inc()

throws InterruptedException {

while (count_ >= MAX) wait();




synchronized void dec()

throws InterruptedException {

while (count_ <= MIN) wait();





Each wait relies on a balancing notification

Generates programmer obligations

Must recheck condition upon resumption

Concurrent Programming in Java


Java Monitor Methods

Every Java Object has a wait set

Accessed only via monitor methods, that can only be

invoked under synchronization of target


Suspends thread

Thread is placed in wait set for target object

Synch lock for target is released


If one exists, any thread T is chosen from target's wait set

T must re-acquire synch lock for target

T resumes at wait point

notifyAll() is same as notify() except all threads chosen

wait(ms)is same as wait() except thread is automatically notified

after ms milliseconds if not already notified

Thread.interrupt causes a wait (also sleep,join) to abort.

Same as notify except thread resumed at the associated catch

Concurrent Programming in Java


Monitors and Wait Sets

class X {

synchronized void w() {

before(); wait(); after();


synchronized void n() { notifyAll(); }


One possible trace for three threads accessing instance x:












T1 T2 T3



T1 T2



release lock

release lock

acquire lock acquire lock

Concurrent Programming in Java


Interactions with Interruption

Effect of Thread.interrupt():

If thread not waiting, set the isInterrupted() bit

If thread is waiting, force to exit wait and throw

InterruptedException upon resumption

Acquiring Running Waiting


Lock +




Interrupt Thread.interrupted, wait




notify, notifyAll, timeout, interrupt




interrupt interrupt



Concurrent Programming in Java


Fairness in Java

Fairness is a system-wide progress property:

Each blocked activity will eventually continue when its

enabling condition holds.

(Many variants of definition)

Threads waiting for lock eventually enter when lock free

Guarded wait loops eventually unblock when condition true

Usually implemented via First-in-First-Out scheduling policies

FIFO lock and wait queues

Sometimes, along with preemptive time-slicing

Java does not guarantee fairness

Potential starvation

A thread never gets a chance to continue because other

threads are continually placed before it in queue

FIFO usually not strictly implementable on SMPs

But JVM implementations usually approximate fairness

Manual techniques available to improve fairness properties

Concurrent Programming in Java



Intermediate points between balking and guarding

Can vary timeout parameter from zero to infinity

Useful for heuristic detection of failures

Deadlocks, crashes, I/O problems, network disconnects

But cannot be used for high-precision timing or deadlines

Time can elapse between wait and thread resumption

Java implementation constraints

wait(ms) does not automatically tell you if it returns

because of notification vs timeout

Must check for both. Order and style of checking can

matter, depending on

If always OK to proceed when condition holds

If timeouts signify errors

Concurrent Programming in Java


Timeout Example

class TimeOutBoundedCounter {

protected long TIMEOUT = 5000;

// ...

synchronized void inc() throws Failure {

if (count_ >= MAX) {

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

long waitTime = TIMEOUT;

for (;;) {

if (waitTime <= 0) throw new Failure();

try { wait(waitTime); }

catch (InterruptedException e) {

throw new Failure();


if (count_ < MAX) break;

long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

waitTime = TIMEOUT - (now - start);






synchronized void dec() throws Failure;//similar


Concurrent Programming in Java


Buffer Supporting Multiple Policies

class BoundedBuffer {

Object[] data_;

int putPtr_ = 0, takePtr_ = 0, size_ = 0;

BoundedBuffer(int capacity) {

data_ = new Object[capacity];


protected void doPut(Object x){ // mechanics

data_[putPtr_] = x;

putPtr_ = (putPtr_ + 1) % data_.length;




protected Object doTake() { // mechanics

Object x = data_[takePtr_];

data_[takePtr_] = null;

takePtr_ = (takePtr_ + 1) % data_.length;



return x;


boolean isFull(){ return size_ == data_.length;}

boolean isEmpty(){ return size_ == 0; }

Concurrent Programming in Java


Buffer (continued)

synchronized void put(Object x)

throws InterruptedException {

while (isFull()) wait();



synchronized Object take() {

throws InterruptedException {

while (isEmpty()) wait();

return doTake();


synchronized boolean offer(Object x) {

if (isFull()) return false;


return true;


synchronized Object poll() {

if (isEmpty()) return null;

return doTake();


Concurrent Programming in Java


Buffer (continued)

synchronized boolean offer(Object x, long ms) {

if (isFull()) {

if (ms <= 0) return false;

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

long waitTime = ms;

for (;;) {

try { wait(waitTime); }

catch (InterruptedException e) {

return false;


if (!isFull()) break;

long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

waitTime = ms - (now - start);

if (waitTime <= 0) return false;



return doTake();


synchronized Object poll(long ms); // similar


Concurrent Programming in Java



Structurally guarantee exclusive access to internal objects

Control their visibility

Provide concurrency control for their methods


Wrapping unsafe sequential code

Eliminating need for locking ground objects and variables

Applying special synchronization policies

Applying different policies to the same mechanisms

outer part2






Concurrent Programming in Java


Containment Example

class Pixel {

private final java.awt.Point pt_;

Pixel(int x, int y) { pt_ = new Point(x, y); }

synchronized Point location() {

return new Point(pt_.x, pt_.y);


synchronized void moveBy(int dx, int dy){

pt_.x += dx; pt_.y += dy;



Pixel provides synchronized access to Point methods

The reference to Point object is immutable, but its fields

are in turn mutable (and public!) so is unsafe without


Must make copies of inner objects when revealing state

This is the most common way to use java.awt.Point,

java.awt.Rectangle, etc

Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Containment

Strict containment creates islands of isolated objects

Applies recursively

Allows inner code to run faster

Inner code must be communication-closed

No unprotected calls in to or out from island

Outer objects must never leak identities of inner objects

Can be difficult to enforce and check

Outermost objects must synchronize access

Otherwise, possible thread-caching problems

Seen in concurrent versions of many delegation-based patterns

Adapters, decorators, proxies

Concurrent Programming in Java


Hierarchical Locking

Applies when logically contained parts are not hidden from clients

Avoids deadlocks that could occur if parts fully synchronized

Can eliminate this potential deadlock if all locking in all

methods in all Parts relies on the common owner's lock.

Extreme case: one Giant Lock for entire subsystem

Can use either internal or external conventions







part1 part2


part1 part2


part1 holds self lock

needs part2 lock

part2 holds self lock

needs part1 lock

Concurrent Programming in Java


Internal Hierarchical Locking

Visible components protect themselves using their owners' locks:

class Part {

protected Container owner_; // never null

public Container owner() { return owner_; }

void bareAction() { /* ... unsafe ... */ }

public void m() {

synchronized(owner()) { bareAction(); }



Or implement using inner classes — Owner is outer class:

class Container {

class Part {

public void m() {

synchronized(Container.this){ bareAction();}

} } }

Can extend to frameworks based on shared Lock objects,

transaction locks, etc rather than synchronized blocks

Concurrent Programming in Java


External Hierarchical Locking

Rely on callers to provide the locking

class Client {

void f(Part p) {

synchronized (p.owner()) { p.bareAction(); }



Used in AWT

• java.awt.Component.getTreeLock()

Can sometimes avoid more locking overhead, at price of fragility

Can manually minimize use of synchronized

Requires that all callers obey conventions

Effectiveness is context dependent

Breaks encapsulation

Doesn't work with fancier schemes that do not directly

rely on synchronized blocks or methods for locking

Concurrent Programming in Java


Containment and Monitor Methods

class Part {

protected boolean cond_ = false;

synchronized void await() {

while (!cond_)

try { wait(); }

catch(InterruptedException ex) {}


synchronized void signal(boolean c) {

cond_ = c; notifyAll();



class Whole {

final Part part_ = new Part();

synchronized void rely() { part_.await(); }

synchronized void set(boolean c){

part_.signal(c); }


What happens when Whole.rely() called?

Concurrent Programming in Java


Nested Monitors

If thread T calls whole.rely

•It waits within part

The lock to whole is retained while T is suspended

No other thread will ever unblock it via whole.set

Nested Monitor Lockout

Policy clash between guarding by Part and containment by Whole

Never wait on a hidden contained object in Java while holding lock



wait set:

T ...

holds lock to

Concurrent Programming in Java


Avoiding Nested Monitors

Adapt internal hierarchical locking pattern

Can use inner classes, where Part waits in Whole's monitor

class Whole { // ...

class Part { // ...

public void await() {

synchronized (Whole.this) {

while (...) Whole.this.wait() // ...

} } }

Create special Condition objects

Condition methods are never invoked while holding locks

Some concurrent languages build in special support for

Condition objects

But generally only deal with one-level nesting

Can build Condition class library in Java

Concurrent Programming in Java


Splitting Objects and Locks


Isolate independent aspects of state and/or behavior of a

host object into helper objects

The host object delegates to helpers

The host may change which helpers it uses dynamically


Atomic state updates

Conservative and optimistic techniques

Avoiding deadlocks

Offloading locks used for status indicators, etc

Improving concurrency

Reducing lock contention for host object

Reducing granularity

Enabling fine-grained concurrency control

Concurrent Programming in Java


Isolating Dependent Representations

Does Location provide strong enough semantic guarantees?

class Location { // repeated

private double x_, y_;

synchronized double x() { return x_; }

synchronized double y() { return y_; }

synchronized void moveBy(double dx, double dy) {

x_ += dx; y_ += dy;



No protection from interleaving problems such as:

Thread 1: x=loc.x(); ...............; y=loc.y();

Thread 2: .........; loc.moveBy(1,6);.........;

Thread 1 can have incorrect view (old x, new y)

Avoid by splitting out dependent representations in separate class


XY xy()




moveBy(dx, dy) y()

Concurrent Programming in Java


Conservative Representation Updates

class XY { // immutable

private final double x_, y_;

XY(double x, double y) { x_ = x; y_ = y; }

double x() { return x_; }

double y() { return y_; }


class LocationV2 {

private XY xy_;

LocationV2(double x, double y) {

xy_ = new XY(x, y);


synchronized XY xy() { return xy_; }

synchronized void moveBy(double dx,double dy) {

xy_ = new XY( xy_ .x() + dx, xy_ .y() + dy);



Locking moveBy() ensures that the two accesses of xy_ do not

get different points

Locking xy() avoids thread-cache problems by clients

Concurrent Programming in Java


Optimistic Representation Updates

class LocationV3 {

private XY xy_;

private synchronized boolean commit(XY oldp,

XY newp){

boolean success = (xy_ == oldp);

if (success) xy_ = newp;

return success;


LocationV3(double x,double y){xy_=new XY(x,y);}

synchronized XY xy() { return xy_; }

void moveBy(double dx,double dy) {

while (!Thread.interrupted()){

XY oldp = xy();

XY newp = new XY(oldp.x()+dx, oldp.y()+dy);

if (commit(oldp, newp)) break;





Concurrent Programming in Java


Optimistic Update Techniques

Every public state update method has four parts:

Record current version

Easiest to use reference to immutable representation

Or can assign version numbers, transaction IDs, or time

stamps to mutable representations

Build new version, without any irreversible side effects

All actions before commit must be reversable

Ensures that failures are clean (no side effects)

No I/O or thread construction unless safely cancellable

All internally called methods must also be reversable

Commit to new version if no other thread changed version

Isolation of state updates to single atomic commit method

can avoid potential deadlocks

Otherwise fail or retry

Retries can livelock unless proven


in given


Concurrent Programming in Java


Optimistic State-Dependent Policies

As with optimistic updates, isolate state

into versions, and isolate state

changes to commit method

In each method:

Record current version

Build new version

Commit to version if success and

no one changed version

Otherwise fail or retry

Retry policy is a tamed busy wait. Can be

more efficient than guarded waits if

Conflicts are rare

Guard conditions usually hold

Running on multiple CPUs



client host

... actions...




... undo...

Concurrent Programming in Java


Optimistic Counter

class OptimisticBoundedCounter {

private Long count_ = new Long(MIN);

long value() { return count().longValue(); }

synchronized Long count() { return count_;}

private synchronized boolean commit(Long oldc,

Long newc){

boolean success = (count_ == oldc);

if (success) count_ = newc;

return success;


public void inc() throws InterruptedException{

for (;;) { // retry-based

if (Thread.interrupted())

throw new InterruptedException();

Long c = count();

long v = c.longValue();

if (v < MAX && commit(c, new Long(v+1)))





public void dec() // symmetrical


Concurrent Programming in Java


Splitting Locks and Behavior

Associate a helper object with an independent subset of state and


Delegate actions to helper via pass-through method

class Shape {

// Assumes size & dimension are independent

int height_ = 0;

int width_ = 0;

synchronized void grow() { ++height_; ++width_;}

Location l = new Location(0,0); // fully synched

void shift() { l.moveBy(1, 1); } // Use l's synch


grow and shift can execute simultaneously

When there is no existing object to delegate independent actions:

Use an arbitrary Object as a lock, and protect associated

methods using synchronized block on that lock

Useful for concurrent data structures

Concurrent Programming in Java


Concurrent Queue

class TwoLockQueue {

final static class Node {

Object value; Node next = null;

Node(Object x) { value = x; }


private Node head_ = new Node(null); // dummy hdr

private Node last_ = head_;

private Object lastLock_ = new Object();

void put(Object x) {

synchronized (lastLock_) {

last_ = = new Node(x);



synchronized Object poll() { // null if empty

Object x = null;

Node first =; // only contention pt

if (first != null) {

x = first.value; first.value = null;

head_ = first; // old first becomes header


return x;



Concurrent Programming in Java


Concurrent Queue (continued)

puts and polls can run concurrently

The data structure is crafted to avoid contending access

Rely on Java atomicity guarantees at only potential

contention point

But multiple puts and multiple polls disallowed

Weakens semantics

poll may return null if another thread is in midst of put

Balking policy for poll is nearly forced here

But can layer on blocking version


head last

hdr first




... (null)

Concurrent Programming in Java


Introducing Concurrency into


Three sets of patterns

Each associated with a reason to introduce concurrency

Autonomous Loops

Establishing independent cyclic behavior

Oneway messages

Sending messages without waiting for reply or termination

Improves availability of sender object

Interactive messages

Requests that later result in reply or callback messages

Allows client to proceed concurrently for a while

Most design ideas and semantics stem from active object models.

Concurrent Programming in Java


Autonomous Loops

Simple non-reactive active objects contain a run loop of form:

public void run() {

while (!Thread.interrupted())



Normally established with a constructor containing:

new Thread(this).start();

Perhaps also setting priority and daemon status

Normally also support other methods called from other threads

Requires standard safety measures

Common Applications

• Animations

• Simulations

Message buffer Consumers

Polling daemons that periodically sense state of world

Concurrent Programming in Java


Autonomous Particle Class

public class Particle implements Runnable {

private int x = 0, y = 0;

private Canvas canvas;

public Particle(Canvas host) { canvas = host; }

synchronized void moveRandomly() {

x += (int) (((Math.random() - 0.5) * 5);

y += (int) (((Math.random() - 0.5) * 5);


public void draw(Graphics g) {

int lx, ly;

synchronized (this) { lx = x; ly = y; }

g.drawRect(lx, ly, 10, 10);


public void run() {

for(;;) {



try { Thread.sleep((int)(Math.random()*10);}

catch (InterruptedException e) { return; }




Concurrent Programming in Java


Particle Applet

import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class ParticleApplet extends Applet {

public void init() {

add(new ParticleCanvas(10));



class ParticleCanvas extends Canvas {

Particle[] particles;

ParticleCanvas(int nparticles) {

setSize(new Dimension(100, 100));

particles = new Particle[nparticles];

for (int i = 0; i < particles.length; ++i) {

particles[i] = new Particle(this);

new Thread(particles[i]).start();



public void paint(Graphics g) {

for (int i = 0; i < particles.length; ++i)



}// (needs lots of embellishing to look nice)

Concurrent Programming in Java


Oneway Messages

Conceptually oneway messages are sent with

No need for replies

No concern about failure (exceptions)

No dependence on termination of called method

No dependence on order that messages are received

But may sometimes want to cancel messages or resulting activities

state, acquaintances

react {

update state

send message


accept oneway




Concurrent Programming in Java


Oneway Message Styles

Some semantics choices

Asynchronous: Entire message send is independent

By far, most common style in reactive applications

Synchronous: Caller must wait until message is


Basis for rendezvous protocols

Multicast: Message is sent to group of recipients

The group might not even have any members

Events Mouse clicks, etc

Notifications Status change alerts, etc

Postings Mail messages, stock quotes, etc

Activations Applet creation, etc

Commands Print requests, repaint requests, etc

Relays Chain of responsibility designs, etc

Concurrent Programming in Java


Messages in Java

Direct method invocations

Rely on standard call/return mechanics

Command strings

Recipient parses then dispatches to underlying method

Widely used in client/server systems including HTTP

EventObjects and service codes

Recipient dispatches

Widely used in GUIs, including AWT

Request objects, asking to perform encoded operation

Used in distributed object systems — RMI and CORBA

Class objects (normally via .class files)

Recipient creates instance of class

Used in Java Applet framework

Runnable commands

Basis for thread instantiation, mobile code systems

Concurrent Programming in Java


Design Goals for Oneway Messages

Object-based forces


Local state changes should be atomic (normally, locked)

Typical need for locking leads to main differences vs

single-threaded Event systems

Safe guarding and failure policies, when applicable


Minimize delay until host can accept another message

Activity-based forces


The activity should progress with minimal contention


Minimize overhead and resource usage

Concurrent Programming in Java


Design Patterns for Oneway Messages


Thread-per-Activity via Pass-throughs

Thread-per-Object via Worker Threads (variants: Pools, Listeners)

client handler



new thread

client host handler

same thread

client handler



put take

worker thread

Concurrent Programming in Java


Reactive Methods

Code scaffolding for illustrating patterns:

class Host {

// ...

private long localState_; // Or any state vars

private Handler handler_; // Message target

public void react(...) {




private synchronized void updateState(...) {

// Assign to localState_;


private void sendMessage(...) {

// Issue handler.process(...)



react() may be called directly from client, or indirectly after

decoding command, event, etc

Concurrent Programming in Java



class Host { //...

public void react(...) {




synchronized void sendMessage(...) {

Runnable command = new Runnable() { // wrap

final Handler dest = handler_;

public void run() {




new Thread(command).start(); // run



Runnable is the standard Java interface describing argumentless,

resultless command methods (aka





Synchronization of sendMessage desirable if handler_ or

process() arguments not fixed/final

Variants: Thread-per-connection (sockets)

Concurrent Programming in Java


Thread-per-Message Protocol

client host command



... updateState...



Concurrent Programming in Java


Multicast TPM

Multicasts can either

Generate one thread per message, or

Use a single thread for all messages

Depends on whether OK to wait each one out before sending

next one

client host handlers



Concurrent Programming in Java


TPM Socket-based Server

class Server implements Runnable {

public void run() {

try {

ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(PORT);

for (;;) {

final Socket connection = socket.accept();

new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {

new Handler().process(connection);




catch(Exception e) { /* cleanup; exit */ }



class Handler {

void process(Socket s) {

InputStream i = s.getInputStream();

OutputStream o = s.getOutputStream();

// decode and service request, handle errors




Concurrent Programming in Java


Thread Attributes and Scheduling

Each Thread has an integer priority


(currently 1 to 10)

Initial priority is same as that of the creating thread

Can be changed at any time via setPriority

ThreadGroup.setMaxPriority establishes a ceiling for

all threads in the group

JVM schedulers give preference to threads with higher priority

• But


is left vague, implementation-dependent

No guarantees about fairness for equal-priority threads

Time-slicing is permitted but not required

No guarantees whether highest-priority or longest-waiting

threads acquire locks or receive notifications before others

Priorities can only be used heuristically

Build custom Queues to control order of sequential tasks

Build custom Conditions to control locking and notification

Concurrent Programming in Java


Adding Thread Attributes

Thread objects can hold non-public Thread-Specific contextual

attributes for all methods/objects running in that thread

Normally preferable to static variables

Useful for variables that apply per-activity, not per-object

Timeout values, transaction IDs, Principals, current

directories, default parameters

Useful as tool to eliminate need for locking

Used internally in JVMs to optimize memory allocation,

locks, etc via per-thread caches







Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Thread-Specific Storage

class GameThread extends Thread { // ...

private long movementDelay_ = 3;

static GameThread currentGameThread() {

return (GameThread)(Thread.currentThread());


static long getDelay() {

return currentGameThread().movementDelay_;


static long setDelay(long t) {

currentGameThread().movementDelay_ = t;



class Ball { // ...

void move() { // ...




class Main { ... new GameThread(new Game()) ... }

Define contextual attributes in special Thread subclasses

Can be accessed without locking if all accesses are always

via Thread.currentThread()

Enforce via static methods in Thread subclass

Concurrent Programming in Java


Using ThreadLocal

java.lang.ThreadLocal available in JDK1.2

An alternative to defining special Thread subclasses

Uses internal hash table to associate data with threads

Avoids need to make special Thread subclasses when

adding per-thread data

Trade off flexibility vs strong typing and performance

class Ball {

static ThreadLocal delay = new ThreadLocal();

void move() { // ...

if (delay.get()==null) delay.set(new Long(3));

long d = ((Long)(delay.get())).longValue();




Can extend to implement inherited Thread contexts

Where new threads by default use attributes of the parent

thread that constructed them

Concurrent Programming in Java


Other Scoping Options

Choices for maintaining context information

per Object

per Method

per Class

per Principal

per Application

per Session

per System

per Group

per Thread

per Aggregate

per Role

per Block per Domain

per Version

per Site

Concurrent Programming in Java


Choosing among Scoping Options

Reusability heuristics

Responsibility-driven design

Factor commonalities, isolate variation

Simplify Programmability

Avoid long parameter lists

Avoid awkward programming constructions

Avoid opportunities for errors due to policy conflicts

Automate propagation of bindings

Conflict analysis

Example: Changing per-object bindings via tuning interfaces

can lead to conflicts when objects support multiple roles

Settings made by one client impact others

Common error with Proxy objects

Replace with per-method, per-role, per-thread

Concurrent Programming in Java


Thread-per-Activity via Pass-Throughs

class Host { //...

void reactV1(...) { // no synch

updateState(); // isolate in synched method



void sendMessage(...) { // no synch

handler_.process(...); // direct call



A kind of forwarding — conceptually removing host from call chain

Callers of react must wait

for handler.process

to terminate, or

generate their own


Host can respond to

another react call from

another thread

immediately after

updating state

client host



... updateState...


Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Pass-Throughs

Common approach to writing AWT Event handlers, JavaBeans

methods, and other event-based components.

But somewhat fragile:

There is no "opposite" to synchronized

Avoid self calls to react from synchronized methods

Need care in accessing representations at call-point

—If handler_ variable or process arguments not fixed,

copy values to locals while under synchronization

Callers must be sure to create thread around call if they

cannot afford to wait or would lock up


Bounded Thread-per-Message

Keep track of how many threads have been created. If too

many, fall back to pass-through.


Register handlers in a common mediator structured as a


Concurrent Programming in Java


Multicast Pass-Throughs

class Host { //...

CopyOnWriteSet handlers_;

synchronized void addHandler(Handler h) {

handlers_.add(h); // copy


void sendMessage(...) {

Iterator e = handlers_.iterator();

while (e.hasNext())




Normally use copy-on-write to implement target collections

Additions are much less common than traversals

AWT uses java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster class

Employs variant of FixedList class design

But coupled to AWT Listener framework, so cannot be

used in other contexts

Concurrent Programming in Java


Thread-Per-Object via Worker Threads

Establish a producer-consumer chain


Reactive method just places message in a channel

Channel might be a buffer, queue, stream, etc

Message might be a Runnable command, event, etc


Host contains an autonomous loop thread of form:

while (!Thread.interrupted()) {

m = channel.take();



Common variants


Use more than one worker thread


Separate producer and consumer in different objects

Concurrent Programming in Java


Worker Thread Example

interface Channel { // buffer, queue, stream, etc

void put(Object x);

Object take();


class Host { //...

Channel channel_ = ...;

void sendMessage(...) {

channel_.put(new Runnable() { // enqueue

public void run(){




Host() { // Set up worker thread in constructor

// ...

new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {

while (!Thread.interrupted())






Concurrent Programming in Java


Worker Thread Protocol

client host command



... updateState...








Concurrent Programming in Java


Channel Options

Unbounded queues

Can exhaust resources if clients faster than handlers

Bounded buffers

Can cause clients to block when full

Synchronous channels

Force client to wait for handler to complete previous task

Leaky bounded buffers

For example, drop oldest if full

Priority queues

Run more important tasks first

Streams or sockets

Enable persistence, remote execution

Non-blocking channels

Must take evasive action if put or take fail or time out

Concurrent Programming in Java


Example: The AWT Event Queue Thread

AWT uses one thread and a single java.awt.EventQueue

Single thread makes visual updates appear more coherent

• Browsers


add per-Applet threads and queues

Events implement java.util.EventObject

Include both ''Low-level'' and ''Semantic'' events

Event dequeuing performed by AWT thread

repaint() places drawing request event in queue.

The request may beoptimized away if one already there

update/paint is called when request dequeued

Drawing is done by AWT thread, not your threads



AWT queue

actionPerformed(e) {


dequeue button ... dispatch ...




AWT Thread


Concurrent Programming in Java


AWT Example

class MyApplet extends Applet

implements ActionListener {

Button button = new Button("Push me");

boolean onOff = false;

public void init() {

button.addActionListener(this); // attach

add(button); // add to layout


public void ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

if (evt.getSource() == button) // dispatch

toggle(); // update state

repaint(); // issue event(not necessary here)


synchronized void toggle() {

onOff = !onOff;



Concurrent Programming in Java


Using AWT in Concurrent Programs

Most conservative policy is to perform all GUI-related state updates

in event handling methods

Define and generate new EventObjects if necessary

Consider splitting GUI-related state into separate classes

Do not rely on thread-safety of GUI components

Define drawing and event handling methods in reactive form

Do not hold locks when sending messages

Do not block or delay caller thread (the AWT thread)

Generate threads to arrange GUI-unrelated processing

Explicitly set their ThreadGroups

Generate events to arrange GUI-related asynch processing


includes some utility classes to make this easier

Concurrent Programming in Java


Thread Pools

Use a collection of worker threads, not just one

Can limit maximum number and priorities of threads

Often faster than thread-per-message

But slower than single thread working off a multislot buffer

unless handler actions permit parallelism

Often works well for I/O-bound actions









Concurrent Programming in Java



House worker thread in a different object

Even in a different process, connected via socket

But full support for remote listeners requires frameworks for

Naming remote acquaintances (via registries, jndi etc)

Failure, reliability, fault tolerance

Security, protocol conformance, ...

Can make more transparent via Proxies

Channels/Listeners that duplicate interface of Handler, but

wrap each message as queued command for later


client handler



put take

worker thread


Concurrent Programming in Java


Remote Worker Threads

class Host { // ...

ObjectOutputStream c; // connected to a Socket

void sendMessage(...) {

c.writeObject(new SerializableRunnable() {

public void run(){

new Handler().process(...);





class Listener { // instantiate on remote machine

ObjectInputStream c; // connected to a Socket

Listener() {

c = new ...

Thread me = new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {

for (;;) {






Concurrent Programming in Java


Synchronous Channels

Synchronous oneway messages same as asynchronous, except:

Caller must wait at least until message is accepted

Simplest option is to use synchronized methods

Caller must wait out all downstream processing

Increase concurrency via synchronous channel to worker thread

Every put must wait for take

Every take must wait for put

Basis for synchronous message passing frameworks (CSP etc)

Enables more precise, deterministic, analyzable, but

expensive flow control measures.

Relied on in part because CSP-inspired systems did not

allow dynamic construction of new threads, so required

more careful management of existing ones.


Barrier : Threads wait but do not exchange information

Rendezvous : Bidirectional message exchange at wait

Concurrent Programming in Java


Synchronous Channel Example

class SynchronousChannel {

Object item_ = null;

boolean putting_ = false;//disable multiple puts

synchronized void put(Object e) {

if (e == null) return;

while (putting_) try { wait(); } catch ...

putting_ = true;

item_ = e;


while (item_ != null) try { wait(); } catch ...

putting_ = false;



synchronized Object take() {

while (item_ == null) try { wait(); } catch ...

Object e = item_;

item_ = null;


return e;



Concurrent Programming in Java


Some Pattern Trade-Offs


Message Pass-Through Worker Threads

+ Simple


When in doubt,

make a new


- Can be hard to

limit resource


- Thread start-up


+ Low overhead

- Fragile

- No within-activity


+ Tunable

semantics and


+ Can bound



- Higher overhead

- Can waste


- May block caller

(if buffer full


Concurrent Programming in Java


Interactive Messages


Client activates Server with a oneway message

Server later invokes a callback method on client

Callback can be either oneway or procedural

Callback can instead be sent to a helper object of client

Degenerate case: inform only of task completion


Observer designs

Completion indications from file and network I/O

Threads performing computations that yield results

client server



client server

Concurrent Programming in Java


Observer Designs

The oneway calls are change


The callbacks are state queries


Screen updates

Constraint frameworks

• Publish/subscribe

Hand-built variants of

wait and notifyAll

Notifications must use oneway

design pattern









cache == val








can deadlock against:

Concurrent Programming in Java


Observer Example

class Subject {

protected double val_ = 0.0; // modeled state

public synchronized double getValue(){

return val_;}

protected synchronized void setValue(double d){

val_ = d;}

protected CopyOnWriteSet obs_ = new COWImpl();

public void attach(Observer o) { obs_.add(o); }

public void changeValue(double newstate) {


Iterator it = obs_.iterator();

while (it.hasNext()){

final Observer o = (Observer)(;

new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {






}// More common to use pass-through calls instead of threads

Concurrent Programming in Java


Observer Example (Continued)

class Observer {

protected double cachedState_;//last known state

protected Subject subj_; // only one here

Observer(Subject s) {

subj_ = s; cachedState_ = s.getValue();



synchronized void changeNotification(Subject s){

if (s != subj_) return; // only one subject

double oldState = cachedState_;

cachedState_ = subj_.getValue(); // probe

if (oldState != cachedState_) display();


synchronized void display() { // default version




Concurrent Programming in Java


Completion Callbacks

The asynch messages are service


The callbacks are continuation

calls that transmit results

May contain a message

ID or completion token to

tell client which task has


Typically two kinds of callbacks

Success – analog of return

Failure – analog of throw

Client readiness to accept

callbacks may be state-


For example, if client can

only process callbacks in

a certain order

app client start/run server








... try action...

Concurrent Programming in Java


Completion Callback Example

Callback interface

interface FileReaderClient {

void readCompleted(String filename);

void readFailed(String filename,IOException ex);


Sample Client

class FileReaderApp implements FileReaderClient {

private byte[] data_;

void readCompleted(String filenm) {

// ... use data ...


void readFailed(String fn, IOException e){

// ... deal with failure ...


void app() {

new Thread(new FileReader("file",




Concurrent Programming in Java


Completion Callbacks (continued)

Sample Server

class FileReader implements Runnable {

final String nm_;

final byte[] d_;

final FileReaderClient client_; // allow null

public FileReader(String name, byte[] data,

FileReaderClient c) {

nm_ = name; d_ = data; client_ = c;


void run() {

try {

// ... read...

if (client_ != null)



catch (IOException ex) {

if (client_ != null)

client_.readFailed(nm_, ex);




Concurrent Programming in Java


Threads and I/O

Java I/O calls generally block

Thread.interrupt causes them to unblock

(This is broken in many Java implementations)

Time-outs are available for some Socket operations


Can manually set up classes to arrange time-out interrupts

for other kinds of I/O

Common variants of I/O completion callbacks

Issue callback whenever there is enough data to process,

rather than all at once

Send a Runnable completion action instead of callback

Use thread pools for either I/O or completion actions


Place the I/O and the subsequent actions all in same

method, run in same thread.

Read into a buffer serviced by a worker thread

Concurrent Programming in Java


Rerouting Exceptions

Callbacks can be used instead of exceptions in any asynchronous

messaging context, not just those directly constructing threads

Variants seen in Adaptors that call methods throwing exceptions

that clients do not know how to handle:

interface Server { void svc() throws SException; }

interface EHandler { void handle(Exception e); }

class SvcAdapter {

Server server = new ServerImpl();

EHandler handler;

void attachHandler(EHandler h) { handler = h; }

public void svc() { // no throw clause

try { server.svc(); }

catch (SException e) {

if (handler != null) handler.handle(e); }



Pluggable Handlers can do anything that a normal catch clause can

Including cancelling all remaining processing in any thread

But are less structured and sometimes more error-prone

Concurrent Programming in Java


Joining Threads

Thread.join() may be used instead of callbacks when

Server does not need to call back client with results

But client cannot continue until service completion

Usually the easiest way to express termination dependence

No need to define callback interface or send client ref as


No need for server to explicitly notify or call client

Internally implemented in java by

t.join() calls t.wait()

terminating threads call notifyAll()

Can use to simulate futures and deferred calls found in other

concurrent OO languages

But no syntactic support for futures

Concurrent Programming in Java


Join Example

public class PictureDisplay {

private final PictureRenderer myRenderer_;

// ...

public void show(final byte[] rawPic) {

class Waiter implements Runnable {

Picture result = null;

public void run() {

result = myRenderer_.render(rawPic); }


Waiter waiter = new Waiter();

Thread t = new Thread(waiter);


displayBorders(); // do other things

displayCaption(); // while rendering

try { t.join(); }

catch(InterruptedException e) { return; }




Concurrent Programming in Java


Join Protocol


picturedisplay waiter renderer





start thread



... other actions...






Concurrent Programming in Java



Encapsulate waits for results of operations performed in threads

Futures are ''data'' types that wait until results ready

Normally requires use of interfaces for types

Clients wait only upon trying to use results

interface Pic { byte[] getImage(); }

interface Renderer { Pic render(byte[] raw); }

class AsynchRenderer implements Renderer {

static class FuturePic implements Pic { //inner

byte[] img_ = null;

synchronized void setImage(byte[] img) {

img_ = img;



public synchronized byte[] getImage() {

while (img_ == null)

try { wait(); }

catch (InterruptedException e) { ... }

return img_;


} // continued

Concurrent Programming in Java


Futures (continued)

// class AsynchRender, continued

public Pic render(final byte[] raw) {

final FuturePic p = new FuturePic();

new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {




return p;


private Pic doRender(byte[] r); // ...


class App { // sample usage

void app(byte[] r) {

Pic p = new AsynchRenderer().render(r);


display(p.getImage()); // wait if not yet ready



Could alternatively write join-based version.

Concurrent Programming in Java



Threads normally terminate after completing their run methods

May need to cancel asynchronous activities before completion

Applet.stop() called

User hits a



Threads performing computations that are not needed

I/O or network-driven activites that encounter failures


Asynchronous cancellation: Thread.stop

Polling and exceptions: Thread.interrupt

Terminating program: System.exit

Minimizing contention: setPriority(MIN_PRIORITY)

Revoking permissions: SecurityManager methods

Unlinking resources known to cause failure exceptions

Concurrent Programming in Java


Asynchronous Cancellation

Thread.stop stops thread by throwing ThreadDeath exception

Deprecated in JDK1.2 because it can corrupt object state:

class C {

private int v; // invariant: v >= 0

synchronized void f() {

v = -1; // temporarily set to illegal value

compute(); // call some other method

v = 1; // set to legal value


synchronized void g() { // depend on invariant

while (v != 0) { --v; something(); } }


What happens if stop occurs during compute()?

In principle, could catch(ThreadDeath)

But this would only work well if done after just about every

line of code in just about every Java class. Impractical.

Most other thread systems (including POSIX) either do not

support or severely restrict asynchronous cancellation

Concurrent Programming in Java



Safety can be maintained by each object checking cancellation

status only when in an appropriate state to do so, relying on:


Returns current interruption status.

(static) Thread.interrupted


status for current thread, returning previous status.


Sets interrupted status, and also causes applicable

methods to throw InterruptedException

Threads that are blocked waiting for synchronized

method or block entry are NOT awakened by interrupt


Thrown by Thread.sleep , Thread.join , Object.wait

if blocked during interruption, also clearing status

Blocking IO methods in the package respond to

interrupt by throwing InterruptedIOException

Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing a Cancellation Policy

Best-supported policy is:

Thread.isInterrupted() means cancelled

Any method sensing interruption should

Assume current task is cancelled.

Exit as quickly and cleanly as possible.

Ensure that callers are aware of cancellation. Options:


throw new InterruptedException()


Local recovery and continuation

Centralized error recovery objects

Always ignoring/resetting status

Concurrent Programming in Java


Detecting Cancellation

Cancellation can be checked as a precondition for any method

if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())


Also in loop headers of looping methods, etc

Can be caught, thrown, or rethrown as an exception

try { somethingThrowingInterruptedException(); }

catch (InterruptedException ex) {



Or as a subclass of a general failure exception, as in


Placement, style, and poll frequency require engineering tradeoffs

How important is it to stop now?

How hard is it to stop now?

Will another object detect and deal with at a better time?

Is it too late to stop an irreversable action?

Does it really matter if the thread is stopped?

Concurrent Programming in Java


Responses to Cancellation

Early return

Clean up and exit without producing or signalling errors —

May require rollback or recovery

Callers can poll status if necessary to find out why action

was not carried out.

Reset (if necessary) interruption status before return:


Continuation (ignoring cancellation status)

When it is too dangerous to stop

When partial actions cannot be backed out

When it doesn't matter (but consider lowering priority)

Throwing InterruptedException

When callers must be alerted on method return

Throwing a general failure Exception

When interruption is one of many reasons method can fail

Concurrent Programming in Java


Multiphase Cancellation

Foreign code running in thread might not respond to cancellation.

Dealing with this forms part of any security framework. Example:

static boolean terminate(Thread t) {

if (!t.isAlive()) return true; // already dead

// phase 1 -- graceful cancellation


try { t.join(maxWaitToDie); }

catch(InterruptedException e){} // ignore

if (!t.isAlive()) return true; // success

// phase 2 -- trap all security checks

theSecurityMgr.denyAllChecksFor(t); // made-up

try { t.join(maxWaitToDie); }

catch(InterruptedException ex) {}

if (!t.isAlive()) return true;

// phase 3 -- minimize damage


// or even unsafe last-resort t.stop()

return false;


Concurrent Programming in Java


Shutting Down Applets

Applets can create threads

usually in Applet.start

and terminate them

usually in Applet.stop

These threads should be cancellable

Otherwise, it is impossible to

predict lifecycle

No guarantees about when

browsers will destroy, or


killed when unloading


Explicitly cancel threads (normally in Applet.stop)

Ensure that activities check cancellation often enough

Consider last-resort Thread.stop in Applet.destroy








invoke on load

main action

leave page






Concurrent Programming in Java


Concurrent Application


Establishing application- (or subsystem-) wide Policies

Communication directionality, synchronization

Avoid inconsistent case-by-case decisions

Samplings from three styles

Flow systems

Wiring together processing stages

Illustrated with Push Flow designs

Parallel execution

Partitioning independent tasks

Illustrated with Group-based designs

Layered services

Synchronization and control of ground objects

Illustrated with Before/After designs

Concurrent Programming in Java


Push Flow Systems

Systems in which (nearly) all activities are performed by objects

issuing oneway messages along paths from sources to sinks

Each message transfers information and/or objects


Control systems

Assembly systems

Workflow systems

Event processing

Chain of command

Pipeline algorithms

Requires common directionality and locality constraints

Precludes many safety and liveness problems

Success relies on adherence to design rules

— potentially formally checkable

The simplest and sometimes best open systems protocol








tempSensor comparator heater

Concurrent Programming in Java


Stages in Flow Systems

Every stage is a producer and/or consumer

Stages implement common interface

with method of form

void put(Object item)

May have multiple successors

Outgoing elements may be

multicasted or


May have multiple predecessors

Incoming elements may be

combined or


Normally require explicit linkages

— only one stage per connection

Each stage can define put using any appropriate oneway message

implementation pattern — may differ across stages


producer put





Concurrent Programming in Java


Exclusive Ownership of Resources

Elements in most flow systems act like physical resources in that

If you have one, then you can do something (with it) that

you couldn't do otherwise.

If you have one, then no one else has it.

If you give it to someone else, then you no longer have it.

If you destroy it, then no one will ever have it.


• Invoices

Network packets

File and socket handles

• Tokens

Mail messages

• Money

Concurrent Programming in Java


Accessing Resources

How should stages manage resource objects?

class Stage {

Resource res;

void put(Resource r) { /* ... */ }


Both reference-passing ''shared memory'' and copy-based

''message passing'' policies can encounter problems:


stage1 put(r) stage2

stage1 put(r)

resource resource copy

access access access access

Synchronize access to resource Deal with identity differences

Shared memory Message passing

Concurrent Programming in Java


Ownership Transfer

Transfer policy

At most one stage refers to any resource at any time

Require each owner to forget about each resource after revealing it

to any other owner as message argument or return value

Implement by nulling out instance variables refering to

resources after hand-off

Or avoiding such variables

Resource Pools can be used to hold unused resources

Or just let them be garbage collected


stage1 put(r) stage2

stage1 put(r)

resource resource

access access

Before message After message



Concurrent Programming in Java


Assembly Line Example

Boxes are flow elements

Have adjustable dimension and color

Can clone and draw themselves

Sources produce continuous stream of BasicBoxes

Boxes are pushed through stages

Stages paint, transform, combine into composite boxes

A viewer applet serves as the sink

See CPJ p233-248 for most code omitted here

Some code here differs in minor ways for sake of


Concurrent Programming in Java



interface PushSource { void start(); }

interface PushStage { void putA(Box p); }

interface DualInputPushStage extends PushStage {

public void putB(Box p);










Concurrent Programming in Java



class DualInputAdapter implements PushStage {

protected final DualInputPushStage stage_;

DualInputAdapter(DualInputPushStage stage) {

stage_ = stage;


void putA(Box p) { stage_.putB(p); }


Allows all other stages to issue putA

Use adapter when necessary to convert to putB

Simplifies composition

Alternatively, could have used a single put(command) interface

Would require each stage to decode type/sense of


putA putB



Concurrent Programming in Java



class SingleOutputPushStage {

protected PushStage next1_= null;

void attach1(PushStage s) { next1_ = s; }


class DualOutputPushStage

extends SingleOutputPushStage {

protected PushStage next2_ = null;

void attach2(PushStage s) { next2_ = s; }


Alternatively, could have used a collection (Vector etc) of nexts

We assume/require all attaches to be performed before any puts


PushStage next1





Concurrent Programming in Java


Linear Stages

class Painter extends SingleOutputPushStage

implements PushStage {

protected final Color color_;

public Painter(Color c) {


color_ = c;


public void putA(Box p) {





Painter is immutable after initialization


putA putA next1

Concurrent Programming in Java


Dual Input Stages

public class Collector

extends SingleOutputPushStage

implements DualInputPushStage {

public synchronized void putA(Box p) {



public synchronized void putB(Box p) {




Synchronization used here to illustrate flow control, not safety

Collector putA




Concurrent Programming in Java



class Joiner extends SingleOutputPushStage

implements DualInputPushStage {

protected Box a_ = null; // incoming from putA

protected Box b_ = null; // incoming from putB

protected abstract Box join(Box p, Box q);

protected synchronized Box joinFromA(Box p) {

while (a_ != null) // wait until last consumed

try { wait(); }

catch (InterruptedException e){return null;}

a_ = p;

return tryJoin();


protected synchronized Box tryJoin() {

if (a_ == null || b_ == null) return null;

Box joined = join(a_, b_); // make combined box

a_ = b_ = null; // forget old boxes

notifyAll(); // allow new puts

return joined;


void putA(Box p) {

Box j = joinFromA(p);

if (j != null) next1_.putA(j);


} // (mechanics for putB are symmetrical)

Concurrent Programming in Java


Dual Output Stages

class Cloner extends DualOutputPushStage

implements PushStage {

protected synchronized Box dup(Box p) {

return p.duplicate();


public void putA(final Box p) {

Box p2 = dup(p); // synched update (not nec.)

Runnable r = new Runnable() {

public void run() { next1_.putA(p); }


new Thread(r).start(); // use new thread for A

next2_.putA(p2); // current thread for B



Using second thread for second output maintains liveness


putA putA next1



Concurrent Programming in Java



All setup code is of form

Stage aStage = new Stage();


Would be nicer with a visual scripting tool

BBSource Painter Alternator

BBSource Painter

HorizJoin Collector



Concurrent Programming in Java


Parallel Execution

Classic parallel programming deals with

Tightly coupled, fine-grained multiprocessors

Large scientific and engineering problems

Speed-ups from parallelism are possible in less exotic settings

SMPs, Overlapped I/O

Key to speed-up is independence of tasks

Minimize thread communication and synchronization

Minimize sharing of resource objects

Rely on groups of thread-based objects

Worker thread designs

Scatter/gather designs

Concurrent Programming in Java


Interacting with Groups

Group Proxies encapsulate a group of workers and protocol

class GroupProxy implements Service {

public Result serve(Data data) {

split the data into parts;

for each part p

start up a thread to process p;

for each thread t {

collect results from t;//via callback or join

if (have enough results) // one, all, or some

return aggegrate result;



client proxy members





Concurrent Programming in Java


Group Service Example

public class GroupPictureRenderer {

public Picture[] render(final byte[][] data)

throws InterruptedException {

int n = data.length;

Thread threads[] = new Thread[n];

final Picture results[] = new Picture[n];

for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {

final int i = k; // inner vars must be final

threads[i] = new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {

PictureRenderer r = new PictureRenderer();

results[i] = r.render(data[i]);





// block until all are finished

for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) threads[k].join();

return results;



Concurrent Programming in Java


Iteration using Cyclic Barriers

CyclicBarrier is synchronization tool for iterative group algorithms

Initialize count with number of members

synch() waits for zero, then resets to initial count

class PictureProcessor { // ...

public void processPicture(final byte[][] data){

final CyclicBarrier barrier =

new CyclicBarrier(NWORKERS);

for (int ii = 0; ii < NWORKERS; ++ii) {

final int i = ii;

Runnable worker = new Runnable() {

public void run() {

while (!done()) {


try { barrier.barrier(); }

catch(InterruptedException e){return;}


} } };

new Thread(worker).start();




Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Cyclic Barriers

class CyclicBarrier {

private int count_;

private int initial_;

private int resets_ = 0;

CyclicBarrier(int c) { count_ = initial_ = c; }

synchronized boolean barrier() throws Inte...{

if (--count_ > 0) { // not yet tripped

int r = resets_; // wait until next reset

do { wait(); } while (resets_ == r);

return false;


else {

count_ = initial_;



return true; // return true if caller tripped




Concurrent Programming in Java


Layered Services

Providing concurrency control for methods of internal objects

Applying special synchronization policies

Applying different policies to the same mechanisms

Requires visibility control (containment)

Inner code must be communication-closed

No unprotected calls in to or out from island

Outer objects must never leak identities of inner objects

Can be difficult to enforce and check

Usually based on before/after methods







Concurrent Programming in Java


Three-Layered Application Designs

Common across many concurrent applications

Generally easy to design and implement

Maintain directionality of control and locking

Interaction with external world

generating threads

Basic mechanisms

Concurrency Control

locking, waiting, failing

Concurrent Programming in Java


Before/After Control

Control access to contained object/action via a method of the form

void controlled() {


try { action(); }

finally { post(); }


Used by built-in Java synchronized(obj) { action(); }

Pre: '{' obtains lock ... Post: '}' releases lock

Control code must be separable from ground action code

Control code deals only with execution state

Ground code deals only with intrinsic state

Basis for many delegation-based designs


service() {


action() { ... }






Concurrent Programming in Java


Template Method Before/After Designs

Subclassing is one way to implement

before/after containment designs

• Superclassinstancevariables

and methods are "contained"

in subclass instances

Template methods

Isolate ground code and

control code in overridable

protected methods

Public methods call control

and ground code in an

established fashion

Can provide default versions

in abstract classes

Can override the control code

and/or the ground code in



public service() {

protected pre();

protected action();

protected post();



pre() or action() or post();





Concurrent Programming in Java


Readers & Writers Policies

Apply when

Methods of ground class can be separated into readers

(accessors) vs writers (mutators)

For example, controlling access to data repository

Any number of reader threads can run simultanously, but

writers require exclusive access

Many policy variants possible

Mainly surrounding precedence of waiting threads

Readers first? Writers first? FIFO?





Concurrent Programming in Java


Readers & Writers via Template Methods

public abstract class RW {

protected int activeReaders_ = 0; // exec state

protected int activeWriters_ = 0;

protected int waitingReaders_ = 0;

protected int waitingWriters_ = 0;

public void read() {


try { doRead(); } finally { afterRead(); }


public void write(){


try { doWrite(); } finally { afterWrite(); }


protected boolean allowReader() {

return waitingWriters_ == 0 &&

activeWriters_ == 0;


protected boolean allowWriter() {

return activeReaders_ == 0 &&

activeWriters_ == 0;


Concurrent Programming in Java


Readers & Writers (continued)

protected synchronized void beforeRead() {


while (!allowReader())

try { wait(); }

catch (InterruptedException ex) { ... }




protected abstract void doRead();

protected synchronized void afterRead() {




Concurrent Programming in Java


Readers & Writers (continued)

protected synchronized void beforeWrite() {


while (!allowWriter())

try { wait(); }

catch (InterruptedException ex) { ... }




protected abstract void doWrite();

protected synchronized void afterWrite() {





Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Concurrency Libraries

Library classes can help separate responsibilities for

Choosing a policy; for example

Exclusive versus shared access

Waiting versus failing

Use of privileged resources

Applying a policy in the course of a service or transaction

These decisions can occur many times within a method

Standard libraries can encapsulate intricate synchronization code

But can add programming obligations

Correctness relies on all objects obeying usage policy

Cannot automatically enforce


Synchronization, Channels, Transactions

Concurrent Programming in Java



Sync encompasses many concurrency control policies

public interface Sync {

// Serve as a gate, fail only if interrupted

void acquire() throws InterruptedException;

// Possibly allow other threads to pass the gate

void release();

// Try to pass for at most timeout msecs,

// return false if fail

boolean attempt(long timeOut);



service(...) {






void acquire()

void release()

boolean attempt(long timeOut)

try { action(); }

finally { cond.release(); }


Concurrent Programming in Java


Synchronization Libraries


Maintain count of the number of threads allowed to pass


Boolean conditions that are set once, ever


Counters that cause all threads to wait until all have


Reentrant Locks

Java-style locks allowing multiple acquisition by same

thread, but that may be acquired and released as needed


Non-reentrant locks

Read/Write Locks

Pairs of conditions in which the readLock may be shared,

but the writeLock is exclusive

Concurrent Programming in Java



Conceptually serve as permit holders

Construct with an initial number of permits (usually 0)

require waits for a permit to be available, then takes one

release adds a permit

But in normal implementations, no actual permits change hands.

The semaphore just maintains the current count.

Enables very efficient implementation


Isolating wait sets in buffers, resource controllers

Designs that would otherwise encounter missed signals

Where one thread signals before the other has even

started waiting

Semaphores 'remember' how many times they were


Concurrent Programming in Java


Counter Using Semaphores

class BoundedCounterUsingSemaphores {

long count_ = MIN;

Sync decPermits_= new Semaphore(0);

Sync incPermits_= new Semaphore(MAX-MIN);

synchronized long value() { return count_; }

void inc() throws InterruptedException {


synchronized(this) { ++count_; }



void dec() throws InterruptedException {


synchronized(this) { --count_; }




This uses native synch for update protection, but only inside permit

blocks. This avoids nested monitor lockouts

Concurrent Programming in Java


Semaphore Synchronous Channel

class SynchronousChannelVS {

Object item = null;

Semaphore putPermit = new Semaphore(1);

Semaphore takePermit = new Semaphore(0);

Semaphore ack = new Semaphore(0);

void put(Object x) throws InterruptedException {


item = x;




Object take() throws InterruptedException {


Object x = item;



return x;



Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Latches

Conditions starting out false, but once set true, remain true forever

Initialization flags

End-of-stream conditions

Thread termination

Event occurrences

class Worker implements Runnable {

Latch go;

Worker(Latch l) { go = l; }

public void run() {





class Driver { // ...

void main() {

Latch go = new Latch();

for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) // make threads

new Thread(new Worker(go)).start();

doSomethingElse(); // don't let run yet

go.release(); // let all threads proceed

} }

Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Barrier Conditions

Count-based latches

Initialize with a fixed count

Each release monotonically decrements count

All acquires pass when count reaches zero

class Worker implements Runnable {

Barrier done;

Worker(Barrier d) { done = d; }

public void run() {





class Driver { // ...

void main() {

Barrier done = new Barrier(N);

for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)

new Thread(new Worker(done)).start();


done.acquire(); // wait for all to finish

} }

Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Lock Classes

class HandSynched {

private double state_ = 0.0;

private Sync lock_;

HandSynched(Sync l) { lock_ = l; }

void changeState(double d) {

try {


try { state_ = d; }

finally { lock_.release(); }

} catch(InterruptedException ex) { }


double getState() {

double d = 0.0;

try {


try { d = state_; }

finally { lock_.release(); }

} catch(InterruptedException ex){}

return d;



Concurrent Programming in Java


Wrapper Classes

Standardize common client usages of custom locks using wrappers

Wrapper class supports perform method that takes care

of all before/after control surrounding a Runnable

command sent as a parameter

Can also standardize failure control by accepting

Runnable action to be performed on acquire failure

Alternative perform methods can accept blocks that return results

and/or throw exceptions

But need to create new interface type for each kind of block

Similar to macros in other languages

But implement more safely via inner classes

Wrappers are composable

Adds noticeable overhead for simple usages

Most useful for controlling "heavy" actions

Concurrent Programming in Java


Before/After Wrapper Example

class WithLock {

Sync cond;

public WithLock(Sync c) { cond = c; }

public void perform(Runnable command)

throws InterruptedException {


try {; }

finally { cond.release(); }


public void perform(Runnable command,

Runnable onInterrupt) {

try { perform(command); }

catch (InterruptedException ex) {

if (onInterrupt != null);

else // default





Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Wrappers

class HandSynchedV2 { // ...

private double state_ = 0.0;

private WithLock withlock_;

HandSynchedV2(Sync l) {

withlock_ = new WithLock(l);


void changeState(double d) {


new Runnable() {

public void run() { state_ = d; } },

null); // use default interrupt action


double getState() {

// (need to define interface & perform version)

try {

return withLock_.perform(new DoubleAction(){

public void run() { return state_; } });


catch(InterruptedException ex){return 0.0;}



Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Conditional Locks

Sync.attempt can be used in conditional locking idioms


Escape out if a lock not available

Can either retry or fail


Retry lock sequence in different order if first attempt fails

Heuristic deadlock detection

Back off on time-out

Precise deadlock detection

Implement Sync via lock manager that can detect cycles

Concurrent Programming in Java


Back-off Example

class Cell {

long value;

Sync lock = new SyncImpl();

void swapValue(Cell other) {

for (;;) {

try {


try {

if (other.lock.attempt(100)) {

try {

long t = value; value = other.value;

other.value = t;



finally { other.lock.release(); }



finally { lock.release(); }


catch (InterruptedException ex) { return; }




Concurrent Programming in Java


Lock Reordering Example

class Cell {

long value;

Sync lock = new SyncImpl();

private static boolean trySwap(Cell a, Cell b) {


try {

if (!b.lock.attempt(0)) return false;

try {

long t = a.value;

a.value = b.value;

b.value = t;

return true;


finally { other.lock.release(); }


finally { lock.release(); }

return false;


void swapValue(Cell other) {

while (!trySwap(this, other) &&

!tryswap(other, this)) Thread.yield();



Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Read/Write Locks

public interface ReadWriteLock {

Sync readLock();

Sync writeLock();


Sample usage using wrapper

class WithRWLock {

ReadWriteLock rw;

public WithRWLock(ReadWriteLock l) { rw = l; }

public void performRead(Runnable readCommand)

throws InterruptedException {


try {; }

finally { rw.readlock().release(); }


public void performWrite(...) // similar


Concurrent Programming in Java


Transaction Locks

Associate keys with locks

Each key corresponds to a different transaction.

Thread.currentThread() serves as key in reentrant

Java synchronization locks

Supply keys as arguments to gating methods

Security frameworks can use similar interfaces, adding

mechanisms and protocols so keys serve as capabilities

Sample interface

interface TransactionLock {

void begin(Object key); // bind key with lock

void end(Object key); // get rid of key

void acquire(Object key)

throws InterruptedException;

void release(Object key);


Concurrent Programming in Java


Transactional Classes

Implement a common transaction control interface, for example:

interface Transactor {

// enter a new transaction

void join(Object key) throws Failure;

// return true if transaction can be committed

boolean canCommit(Object key);

// update state to reflect current transaction

void commit(Object key) throws Failure;

// roll back state

void abort(Object key);


Transactors must ensure that all objects they communicate with

are also Transactors

Control arguments must be propagated to all participants

Concurrent Programming in Java


Per-Method Transaction Control

Add transaction control argument to each method.

For example:

interface TransBankAccount extends Transactor {

long balance(Object key)

throws InterruptedException;

void deposit(Object key, long amount)

throws InsufficientFunds,


void withdraw(Object key, long amount)

throws InsufficientFunds,



The same interfaces can apply to optimistic transactions

Use interference detection rather than locking.

They are generally interoperable

Concurrent Programming in Java


Per -ThreadGroup Transaction Control

Assumes each transaction established in own ThreadGroup

class Context { // ...

Object get(Object name);

void bind(Object name, Object val);


class XTG extends ThreadGroup { // ...

Context getContext();


class Account extends Transactor {

private long balance_;

private TransactionLock tlock_;

// ...

void deposit(long amount) throws ... {




synchronized (this) {

if (amount >= 0) balance_ += amount; else ...




Concurrent Programming in Java


Integrating Control Policies

Dealing with multiple contextual domains, including

Security : Principal identities, keys, groups, etc

Synchronization : Locks, conditions, transactions, ...

Scheduling : Priorities, timing, checkpointing, etc

Environment: Location, computational resources

Dealing with multiple outcomes

Block, fail, proceed, save state, commit state, notify, ...

Encapsulating associated policy control information

For example access control lists, lock dependencies

Introducing new policies in sub-actions

New threads, conditions, rights-transfers, subtransactions

Avoiding policy conflicts: policy compatibility matrices, ...

Avoiding excessive programming obligations for developers

Tool-based code generation, layered virtual machines

Concurrent Programming in Java


Using Integrated Control

Methods invoke helpers to make control decisions as needed

class Account { // ...

void deposit(long amount, ...) {


accessController.checkAccess(clientID, acl);

logger.logDeposit(clientID, transID, amount);




balance += amount;


db.commit(balance, ...);




Not much fun to program.

Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Library Classes

Classes based on Java monitor methods can be slow

Involve context switch, locking, and scheduling overhead

Relative performance varies across platforms

Some performance enhancements

State tracking

Only notify when state changes known to unblock waits

Isolating wait sets

Only wake up threads waiting for a particular state change

Single notifications

Only wake up a single thread rather than all waiting threads

Avoiding locks

Don't lock if can be sure won't wait

Can lead to significantly faster, but more complex and fragile code

Concurrent Programming in Java


Tracking State in Guarded Methods

Partition action control state into categories with

same enabling properties

Only provide notifications when making a state

transition that can ever unblock another thread

Here, on exit from top or bottom

When count goes up from MIN or down from MAX

Still need notifyAll unless add instrumentation

State tracking leads to faster but more fragile code

Usually many fewer notification calls

Harder to change guard conditions

Harder to add subclasses with different conditions

State Condition inc dec

top value == MAX no yes

middle MIN < value < MAX yes yes

bottom value == MIN yes no




dec inc




MAX to



MIN from


Concurrent Programming in Java


Counter with State Tracking

class FasterGuardedBoundedCounter {

protected long count_ = MIN;

synchronized long value() { return count_; }

synchronized void inc()

throws InterruptedException {

while (count_ == MAX) wait();

if (count_++ == MIN) notifyAll();


synchronized void dec()

throws InterruptedException {

while (count_ == MIN) wait();

if (count_-- == MAX) notifyAll();



Concurrent Programming in Java


Buffer with State Tracking

class BoundedBufferVST {

Object[] data_;

int putPtr_ = 0, takePtr_ = 0, size_ = 0;

protected void doPut(Object x){

data_[putPtr_] = x;

putPtr_ = (putPtr_ + 1) % data_.length;

if (size_++ == 0) notifyAll();


protected Object doTake() {

Object x = data_[takePtr_];

data_[takePtr_] = null;

takePtr_ = (takePtr_ + 1) % data_.length;

if (size_-- == data_.length) notifyAll();

return x;


synchronized void put(Object x) throws Inte... {

while (isFull()) wait();



// ...


Concurrent Programming in Java


Inheritance Anomaly Example

class XBuffer extends BoundedBufferVST {

synchronized void putPair(Object x, Object y)

throws InterruptedException {





PutPair does not guarantee that the pair is inserted contiguously

To ensure contiguity, try adding guard:

while (size_ > data_.length - 2) wait();

But doTake only performs notifyAll when the buffer transitions

from full to not full

The wait may block indefinitely even when space available

•So must rewrite doTake to change notification condition

Would have been better to factor out the notification conditions in a

separate overridable method

Most inheritance anomalies can be avoided by fine-grained

(often tedious) factoring of methods and classes

Concurrent Programming in Java


Isolating Waits and Notifications

Mixed condition problems

Threads that wait in different methods in the same object

may be blocked for different reasons — for example,




not Full

for buffer

notifyAll wakes up all threads, even those waiting for

conditions that could not possibly hold

Can isolate waits and notifications for different conditions in

different objects — an application of splitting

Thundering herd problems

notifyAll may wake up many threads

Often, at most one of them will be able to continue

Can solve by using notify instead of notifyAll only when

All threads wait on same condition

At most one thread could continue anyway

That is, when it doesn't matter which one is woken, and it

doesn't matter that others aren't woken

Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Reentrant Locks

final class ReentrantLock implements Sync {

private Thread owner_ = null;

private int holds_ = 0;

synchronized void acquire() throws Interru... {

Thread caller = Thread.currentThread();

if (caller == owner_) ++holds_;

else {

try { while (owner_ != null) wait(); }

catch (InterruptedException e) {

notify(); throw e;


owner_ = caller; holds_ = 1;



synchronized void release() {

Thread caller = Thread.currentThread();

if (caller != owner_ || holds_ <= 0)

throw new Error("Illegal Lock usage");

if (--holds_ == 0) {

owner_ = null;




Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Semaphores

final class Semaphore implements Sync {

int permits_; int waits_ = 0;

Semaphore(int p) { permits_ = p; }

synchronized void acquire() throws Interrup.. {

if (permits_ <= waits_) {


try {

do { wait(); } while (permits_ == 0);


catch(InterruptedException ex) {

--waits_; notify(); throw ex;






synchronized void release() {





Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Latches

Exploit set-once property to avoid locking using double-check:

Check status without even locking

If set, exit — no possibility of conflict or stale read

Otherwise, enter standard locked wait

But can have surprising effects if callers expect locking for sake of

memory consistency.

final class Latch implements Sync {

private boolean latched_ = false;

void acquire() throws InterruptedException {

if (!latched_)

synchronized(this) {

while (!latched_) wait();



synchronized void release() {

latched_ = true;




Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Barrier Conditions

Double-check can be used for any monotonic variable that is tested

only for a threshold value

CountDown Barriers monotonically decrement counts

Tests against zero cannot encounter conflict or staleness

(This technique does not apply to Cyclic Barriers)

class CountDown implements Sync {

private int count_;

CountDown(int initialc) { count_ = initialc; }

void acquire() throws InterruptedException {

if (count_ > 0)

synchronized(this) {

while (count_ > 0) wait();



synchronized void release() {

if (--count_ == 0) notifyAll();



Concurrent Programming in Java


Implementing Read/Write Locks

class SemReadWriteLock implements ReadWriteLock {

// Provide fair access to active slot

Sync active_ = new Semaphore(1);

// Control slot sharing by readers

class ReaderGate implements Sync {

int readers_ = 0;

synchronized void acquire()

throws InterruptedException {

// readers pile up on lock until first passes

if (readers_++ == 0) active_.acquire();


synchronized void release() {

if (--readers_ == 0) active_.release();



Sync rGate_ = new ReaderGate();

public Sync writeLock() { return active_; }

public Sync readLock() { return rGate_; }


Concurrent Programming in Java


Documenting Concurrency

Make code understandable

To developers who use components

To developers who maintain and extend components

To developers who review and test components

Avoid need for extensive documentation by adopting:

Standard policies, protocols, and interfaces

Standard design patterns, libraries, and frameworks

Standard coding idioms and conventions

Document decisions

Use javadoc to link to more detailed descriptions

Use naming and signature conventions as shorthand clues

Explain deviations from standards, usage limitations, etc

Describe necessary data invariants etc

Use checklists to ensure minimal sanity

Concurrent Programming in Java


Sample Documentation Techniques

Patlet references

/** ... Uses

* <a href="tpm.html">Thread-per-Message</a> **/

void handleRequest(...);

Default naming and signature conventions

Sample rule: Unless specified otherwise, methods that can

block have signature

... throws InterruptedException

Intentional limitations, and how to work around them

/** ... NOT Threadsafe, but can be used with

* @see XAdapter to make lockable version. **/

Decisions impacting potential subclassers

/** ... Always maintains a legal value,

* so accessor method is unsynchronized **/

protected int bufferSize;


/** Passed safety review checklist 11Nov97 **/

Concurrent Programming in Java


Semiformal Annotations

PRE — Precondition (normally unchecked)

/** PRE: Caller holds synch lock ...

WHEN Guard condition (always checked)

/** WHEN not empty return oldest ...

POST — Postcondition (normally unchecked)

/** POST: Resource r is released...

OUT — Guaranteed message send (relays, callbacks, etc)

/** OUT: c.process(buff) called after read...

RELY — Required property of other objects/methods

/** RELY: Must be awakened by x.signal()...

INV — Object constraint true at start/end of every activity

/** INV: x,y are valid screen coordinates...

INIT — Object constraint that must hold upon construction

/** INIT: bufferCapacity greater than zero...

Concurrent Programming in Java


Safety Problem Checklist

Storage conflicts

Failure to ensure exclusive access; race conditions

Atomicity errors

Breaking locks in the midst of logically atomic operations

Representation inconsistencies

Allowing dependent representations to vary independently

Invariant failures

Failing to re-establish invariants within atomic methods

for example failing to clean up after exceptions

Semantic conflicts

Executing actions when they are logically prohibited

Slipped Conditions

A condition stops holding in the midst of an action

requiring it to hold

Memory ordering and visibility

Using stale cached values

Concurrent Programming in Java


Liveness Problems


A called method never becomes available


Two or more activities endlessly wait for each other


A retried action never succeeds

Missed signals

A thread starts waiting after it has already been signalled


A thread is continually crowded out from passing gate


A thread that others are waiting for stops

Resource exhaustion

Exceeding memory, bandwidth, CPU limitations

Concurrent Programming in Java


Efficiency Problems

Too much locking

Cost of using synchronized

Cost of blocking waiting for locks

Cost of thread cache flushes and reloads

Too many threads

Cost of starting up new threads

Cost of context switching and scheduling

Cost of inter-CPU communication, cache misses

Too much coordination

Cost of guarded waits and notification messages

Cost of layered concurrency control

Too many objects

Cost of using objects to represent state, messages, etc

Concurrent Programming in Java


Reusability Problems

Context dependence

Components that are not safe/live outside original context

Policy breakdown

Components that vary from system-wide policies


Hardwiring control, premature optimization

Policy clashes

Components with incompatible concurrency control


Inheritance anomalies

Classes that are difficult or impossible to subclass

Programmer-hostile components

Components imposing awkward, implicit , and/or error-prone

programming obligations

... Object immutability has been the subject of multiple researches since the begining of object-oriented programming [6,12,7,15]. Even though, according to Potanin et al. [13], "the notion of immutability is not as straightforward as it might seem, and many different definitions of immutability exist," most industry experts consider immutability being a virtue of classes and objects in Java and other object-oriented programming languages [2]. ...

... There were 97508 files found. Classes without a single non-static attribute were excluded (such as utility classes, interfaces, or enums), despite the fact that some OOP experts consider such classes valid and immutable, saying that "the simplest immutable objects have no internal fields at all" [7]. We decided to not take these classes into account because they do not instantiate objects and because of that do not belong to object-oriented paradigm, as explained by [18,3]. ...

  • Yegor Bugayenko
  • Sergey V Zykov Sergey V Zykov

According to the subjective opinions of many industry experts, object immutability is a virtue in object-oriented programming, since it leads to side-effect-free design, cleaner code, better concurrency, and many other factors. However, it has never been empirically demonstrated exactly how immutability affects quality metrics of object-oriented programs. In the following research, we analyzed 97508 classes from 240 public Java repositories to find out how immutability affects the size of the code.

... These programs were used c 2021 Information Processing Society of Japan for performance evaluations in the original paper on Tascell [19]. Nqueens is often used as a benchmark program or as an example for task parallel systems [8], [11], [13], [26]. The source code of these Tascell programs is bundled with the Tascell Implementation. ...

  • Tatsuya Abe
  • Tasuku Hiraishi

Backtracking-based load balancing is a promising method for task parallel processing with work stealing. Tascell is a framework for developing applications with backtracking-based load balancing. Users are responsible for ensuring the consistent behavior of Tascell programs when backtracking is triggered in the Tascell runtimes. Nevertheless, the operational semantics for Tascell programs have not been formally studied. Moreover, no extensional equivalence between Tascell programs is provided. In this paper, we formally specify operational semantics for Tascell programs and define extensional equivalence between Tascell programs using the Church-Rosser modulo equivalence notion in abstract rewriting theory. We propose left invertibility and well-formedness properties for Tascell programs, which ensure extensional equivalence between sequential and concurrent behaviors of Tascell programs. We also propose a domain-specific language based on reversible computation, which allows only symmetric pre/post-processing to update states. Tascell programs written in our language have left invertibility and well-formedness properties by construction. Finally, we confirm that Tascell programs to solve typical search problems such as pentomino puzzles, N-queens, and traveling salesman problems can be written in our language.

... Keyword public is an accessibility modifier which refers the calling members or methods from external locations like other classes (Lea, 1999). AcademicPersonnel, administrativePersonnel and student classes call methods from Person class. ...

A program is composed of commands that run within a computer or an electronic circuit. Programming is a mathematical methodology to write a program and to encode the algorithm into a notation. It can be classified into two groups such as system and application programming. System programming is a branch of the general programming that is composed of low-level instructions which are used to operate and handle computer hardware. Application programming is considered as the improved version of the computer programs that can perform specific tasks. One of the application programming types is the object-oriented programming (OOP) which is about how information is represented in human mind. OOP is useful to provide easy modeling in design and developing real entities. This approach is aimed to model the entities and the relationships existing between them. OOP enables to define the required classes to create the objects and to apply modifications on them. The inherent properties of OOP are modularity, extensibility, and reusability. This chapter provides a substantial survey of OOP.

... CAMP addresses two main concerns when estimating execution costs of concurrent and distributed systems: communication overheads, and synchronisation. Although these factors are a main source of inefficiency, there are more that we still do not take into account, such as the cost of starting new threads, the cost of context switching/scheduling, or the cost of resource contention such as shared caches [Lea 1997]. We plan to study how to extend CAMP to take such factors into account as future work. ...

  • David Castro-Perez
  • Nobuko Yoshida

This paper presents CAMP, a new static performance analysis framework for message-passing concurrent and distributed systems, based on the theory of multiparty session types (MPST). Understanding the run-time performance of concurrent and distributed systems is of great importance for the identification of bottlenecks and optimisation opportunities. In the message-passing setting, these bottlenecks are generally communication overheads and synchronisation times. Despite its importance, reasoning about these intensional properties of software, such as performance, has received little attention, compared to verifying extensional properties, such as correctness. Behavioural protocol specifications based on sessions types capture not only extensional, but also intensional properties of concurrent and distributed systems. CAMP augments MPST with annotations of communication latency and local computation cost, defined as estimated execution times, that we use to extract cost equations from protocol descriptions. CAMP is also extendable to analyse asynchronous communication optimisation built on a recent advance of session type theories. We apply our tool to different existing benchmarks and use cases in the literature with a wide range of communication protocols, implemented in C, MPI-C, Scala, Go, and OCaml. Our benchmarks show that, in most of the cases, we predict an upper-bound on the real execution costs with < 15% error.

  • Andrea Filatro Andrea Filatro

This article describes the Learning Activities Editor Tool, developed by Escola do Futuro (School of the Future) of the University of São Paulo, in the scope of TidiaAe Project. This design time engine, based in IMS-Learning Design specification, has been developed to conform a set with the player tool, in order to support either teachers which desire a simple planning tool to organize their learning contents or activities for local and delimited applications, or more advanced users which need integrated solutions that can be spread in large scale. The article highlights the multifaceted solution developed to take care of to the variety of detected needs, analyzes the limitations of the IMS-LD specification and points the contributions of this work for the Tidia-Ae Project specifically and to the community of developers of open source e-learning tools.

  • Andrea Filatro Andrea Filatro

óThis article describes the integration of an IMS compliant GPL Learning Design engine into the Tidia-Ae Learning Management System. This was done by developing an intermediary component ñ the Course Manager. We conclude that the concept of the intermediary component can be used to allow integration of other tools into Tidia-Ae. Because IMS-LD is a relatively new specification, more work has to be done to test - and possibly improve - the requisites of IMS-LD based tools.

Parallel algorithms are problematic to develop because of the negative influence of synchronisation, complicated behaviour of threads' capturing computing resources. Experimental results show performance time's strong dependence on algorithm parameters, such as the number of subtasks and the complexity of each task. The optimal value of subtask complexity is revealed for the particular algorithm. It is the same for different complexity of the parallelised task (with the same computing resource). To guarantee algorithm speed-up it is important to have a method for investigating the efficiency of parallel algorithm before its implementation on specified computing resources. Stochastic Petri net potentially could be a high accuracy tool for investigating the efficiency of a parallel algorithm. However, a huge number of elements are needed to compose a model of non-trivial algorithm that limits the application of this tool in practice. Petri-object simulation method allows replication of Petri nets with specified parameters and model creation of a list of linked Petri-objects. Basic templates for the model creation of a multithreaded algorithm are developed. Applying these templates, the model of the parallel discrete event simulation algorithm is developed and investigated. By the model results, the algorithm parameters providing the least performance time can be determined.

Este artigo apresenta um protótipo obtido do estudo e implementação do Modelo Reflexivo Tempo Real RTR [Fur95] sobre a linguagem de programação Java. O Modelo RTR estabelece uma filosofia para o desenvolvimento de aplicações tempo real aliando os paradigmas de orientação a objetos e reflexão computacional. Desta forma, características como facilidade de manutenção, capacidade de reutilização e um alto nível de organização interna do sistema são obtidas, incorporando ao protótipo alguns dos principais conceitos ditados pela engenharia de software. Neste sentido, é apresentado o mapeamento do modelo sobre a linguagem Java, visando a máxima utilização dos recursos oferecidos por esta na satisfação das especificações do modelo. O protótipo resultante é testado com aplicações para exibição de animações gráficas.

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